Working towards your retirement isn’t about planning for the end, it’s about building a future for yourself, and your loved ones. One of the best ways to do this is by setting up a pension plan that’s been customised to suit your current finances and brings you closer to your future financial security.


A pension plan involves you or your employer regularly contributing to a pool of funds that have been set aside for your retirement, providing you with a steady source of retirement income in the form of monthly payouts.


Our advisors work with you to fully understand your financial capacities to give you the best advice and guidance. This involves how much you will be able to put towards your pension plans, the goals you aim to achieve, and any extenuating circumstances that you may be concerned about. We then offer you the best plan that’ll let you prepare for your retirement without breaking the bank.


We understand that planning for your retirement also means factoring in the needs of your loved ones, especially if they rely on you for financial support. That’s why we have pension plans that give you flexibility in restructuring your payments so that if something happens to you, your family will still be able to receive the financial benefits you’ve set aside for them.

With a good pension plan in place, you are guaranteed to have a constant flow of income that you can’t outlive. But if you wish, some plans also allow you to retrieve a single lump-sum payment from your pension and use the money however you deem fit.


At the end of the day, having the right pension plan will guarantee a comfortable and rewarding future for life after retirement. Turn your vision to reality with Global Financial Consultants and meet with our advisors to discuss your plans and the benefits of transferring your pensions offshore.